Monday, November 29, 2010

About Blogging

I just posted a new blog at Myspace. Here's another. I was finally able to get the password changed and get back in. As far as I can tell, there has still been no change to my profile page. I did not "upgrade" it to either 2.0 or 3.0, so my html programming with the scroll boxes, etc., is still there. You might let me know if it shows up for you. The blogs are a different question. The text area is tiny (only about 4 inches), there is zero ability to customize. Apparently the ability to reply individually to comments is back, but there is probably still a length limit. That ability to reply to a comment left for you, then to reply to that, etc., is what creates conversation and that's what creates friendship. It's because of this that I have moved to Friendburst This has been described by some as Myspace 1.0 and 2.0, with some Facebook thrown in, and it uses the Wordpress blogging platform. That's what allows the comments to comment, etc. Here's a look at my friendburst blogs.

Having a Picasso-esque blog is fine as long as the blogger intended that. But I suspect Leonardo would be highly pissed if Picasso Picassoed up the Mona Lisa. That seems like what happened at the Spazz. Obviously, no one in charge at Myspace recently has had any interest in even trying to satisfy real bloggers. I suspect it will fade away completely at least as a place for bloggers. Those of you still hanging on there, you really should pick somewhere else to go if you really want to continue blogging and hold on to at least a few of your can also find new ones too, yanno; some who haven't heard yer rant yet, lol.

One of my favorite places for blogging is blogspot; several friends have found me there. But that conversational element in the comments is not there. That is, for sure, one of the places though, that I will always post. There is a permanent link section at my blogger blog that has links to all the other places I post, which some may like better. Then there is myboomerplace. This is a sample of my myboomerplace blog. I don't really know why I like Xanga... I just try to post a copy of my blogs there. Like this one. For you folk at Facebook, who might get notices of my blog postings, I will try hard to not post more than one notice...otherwise, please just ignore any duplicates.

So... my for sure blog is always at blogger, I will try to develop both Myboomerplace and especially Friendburst - because of the conversational element in the comments. Y'all come on over and pick one and let's get our little clicks back new friends...continue bitching about the price of gas and saving the world one blog at a time.

A political note

I LOVE wikileaks. I have two complaints at this point; 1) There should be a hundred more like them, 2) the "leaks" should be of a much more substantial nature...tell the "real" secrets, that matter much more than snide or catty remarks by diplomats about other diplomats. The most important reason I have for this position is that I consider myself a patriot. I love my country. I would love to see my country known globally as a beacon of moral virtue. This is not rocket science. If you don't want other people knowing about something "bad" you said about someone else...then don't say such things. If you have nothing good and truthful to say, then keep silent. Most of what I have heard "exposed" in these leaks are things most everyone already knew anyway. It's surprising that Saudi Arabia would encourage the US to bomb Iran and stop their nuclear ambitions? Not hardly. Karzai is a paranoid character? HA!, no shit Sherlock. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. This is the way to take the moral high ground. This is the way to build honest trust. Alas, the result of wiki will likely be a clamping down on information; heightened secrecy; a lot more people than Karzai being paranoid. Guilt breeds a lot of paranoia.


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