Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Big Club/Party

Look around you Americans. You can find blogs and web sites galore supporting the Democratic slash liberal point of view or the Republican slash conservative point of view. Do you honestly think that your country or your world can be reduced to these two "views"? Suppose it were all a kind of "shell game" designed to make the bleating masses think they actually have choices, that they have the power, that the political world revolves around them and their desires. Suppose that in the US anyway, there were no competing parties at all, just one Big Party, you could call the Republicrats or Demopublicans. One endless game of "good cop, bad cop".

The Urban Dictionary (Definition 3), describes it this way:

Overall, the concept that the two political parties in the US are actually indistinguishable - the party of ONE. The two parties are not actually parties but rather, two halves of a symbiotic system. They are indistinguishable because the output of the system remains the same, regardless of which half is 'in power'. Either half, when 'out-of-power,' is obligated to obstruct ANY/ALL progress by the other half while screaming the half 'in power' is about to destroy the country. All problems and issues of the country are explained as having been caused by the other half.
In this party, you don't vote FOR a President, you defensively vote AGAINST the other candidate. You choose 'lesser' evils. If you give the Presidency to one half, you generally try to give Congress to the other half to minimize the damage either half can do to you.
Because NEITHER half is interested in what the public wants, the single party therefore generates a lot of unhappiness. This dissatisfaction guarantees regular and routine trades of where they hold 'power.'

Well, that's just ridiculous "conspiracy theory" stuff. Really? When was the last time a President of the United States was neither a Democrat nor Republican? Millard Fillmore in 1850. He didn't get elected either, but got there through the death of Zachary Taylor. You have any idea how many other parties besides dems and pubs there are or have been in the US? Loads...that's a scientific term. Here's a list. over 160 years not one single "third party" candidate, even ones with their own billions to spend on campaigns, have been elected? And this is just...coinky dink?

These are the qualifications for US President. So, if you meet those, you could be President, right? Pssst...if you actually believe that, it kinda puts you in the alien-lizard-people-run-the-world category. Oh, absotively do NOT take my word for it. Just try it yourself. Here's how to run for President. That's a little more realist list of may notice being rich is a biggie, though that alone won't do it. Ask Ross Perot.

A lot of people, even Republican people, say Sarah Palin is not qualified to be President. I'll go out on a limb and assume you agree with that. My question is why not? Really though, "cuz she's dipstick" or something like that really isn't an answer. Perhaps you might think you are more qualified than she. If so, how? Seriously, name one Presidential qualification you have that you don't think Sarah has. How much does being good looking or "telegenic" count? Remember a lot of folk liked John Edwards when he was running. I did. I thought he said a lot of stuff that sounded really good. He was very obviously a "viable" candidate; looked nice, professional, good speaker, was going for a major party nomination. If he had won, might he have been a good president? Suppose that John McCain had actually won and become you think there would be a huge difference in the way things are now? I doubt it. I'm fairly sure The Agenda rolls right along through the decades and which "party" the President is in makes about as much difference to the state of the nation and world as which color shoes you wore today.

Here's a question; if the Patriot Act was a bad thing when Repub Bush did it, and most libs would say it is, I think, then is it still bad that Dem Obama keeps it going? Why would he do that? Is this act a conservative or a liberal act? Just how much difference is there between Obama and Bush anyway...or, for that matter, between any Dem and any Pub?

Lifting the Veil from S DN on Vimeo.

You can also watch the video here.

Ever heard the term "bread and circuses"? Ever notice how many more of us there are now who are lucky to have any bread? But, boy don't we have our circuses... I think most of us really liked George Carlin. In this riff he goes off on the big club that you and I ain't in. How come, for some folk, when George said this stuff it was way cool, but when some other folk said the same thing, they were conspiracy nuts? What, it's only ok to say this stuff if you laugh about it? George was a comedien, he didn't mean any of it? Go George...


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