Friday, June 17, 2011

The Secret of Oz and Soylent Green

Most libraries are reasonably neat and organized places. Try to imagine what one might look like if 50 5-year-olds were allowed to play in it for a week. That is a bit like my brain now...I think. I like random stuff too. And by the way, why is the Random House Dictionary as orderly as all the others?

I got defriended on the Face because I "liked" Alex Jones. It got real quiet at my page when I posted a link from prisonplanet dot com to a Glenn Beck show about the Federal Reserve. I asked, since most liberals hate the idea of privatizing such things as police, prisons, fire departments, etc., why would they like the idea of a private banking cartel running the country (and the world) rather than the US Government issuing and printing its own money. Only one response I think. Is that because people know nothing about the Fed? Because people find it boring and say, "Who cares"? Because people think if you would post something Alex Jones or Glenn Beck said you have gone to the Dark Side?

"In the year 2022, the population has grown to forty million people in New York City alone...". From the wiki entry about the movie Soylent Green. The actual projection by the Department of City Planning is "For the year 2020, we project the city's population
at 8.7 million, and at 9.1 million for 2030."
Source. And no mention of Soylent Green. Looks like they missed it. BUT. The Japanese are coming through with meat made from poo. Source. Hopefully, the production price will drop drastically. Surely all of us who hate the idea of factory farms will applaud this effort? Oh... sorry, I should not have used a Fox News link for that. Is Yahoo News better?

When L. Frank Baum wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, did he intend it only as a children's story...or was he doing a commentary on the economics and politics of his time? Or, is that just a stupid 'conspiracy theory'? Does it matter that Dorothy had silver, not Ruby, slippers in the book, before the movies were made? Watch this video and see what you think. The Secret of Oz.



  1. Good grief, Temy, I had to go looking to find out what you were talking about in the first paragraph. Some people. O_o

  2. The Federal Reserve is one of the primary keys to understanding the true control structure in the United States. Naturally, the criminals running that scam have taken all steps necessary over the last 100 years to ensure that the American people have no clue about who really runs the country. The sheeple believe that they elected Obama and that he acts in their best interest! How utterly pathetic.
