So, we elected a progressive President (amid howls from the right that "he's a Socialist!") who would finally take some actions that benefit the people instead of Wall Street...or not so much, as is pointed out in this article which asks Why Is President Obama So Anxious To Cut Social Security? Why indeed? From the article: "Under the law, Social Security is financed by the designated Social Security tax. It does not contribute to the deficit, since the law prohibits payments from being made if there is not money in the Social Security trust fund." It seems obvious to me that another minority - genuine Progressives - are now prohibited from holding high office.
An observation: A friend on Facebook commented to me that she had recently dealt with a couple of 20-something college students who thought Hitler "had something to do with WWII" though they had no idea what, nor had ever heard of "The Holocaust". Perhaps this is somewhat more encouraging than thinking that Hitler fought against Robert E. Lee in the 1600's in the Civil War?
You are in control! is a mantra shouted ad nauseum by people completely under the delusion that they actually are in control of their lives and what goes on around them. This is a terrific article that points out that you are not nearly as "in control" as you might think, and furthermore, you don't know that. One small example: Push that "door close" button in the elevator and the door closes, thus you have closed the door, duh! Actually, those buttons were only installed to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and they are only used by service and emergency personnel WHO HAVE A KEY! Without inserting the key, push the "door close" button all day and it means nothing, the door automatically closes anyway...this one reminds me of people who pray...or those chickens who peck the button to get a shot of food...and who will continue to peck their beaks down to a bloody stump long after the food shots have stopped.
Speaking of buttons, levers, etc. perhaps you notice that voting now usually consists of pressing buttons or levers. When you do that for a presidential candidate, your poor deluded brain tells you "I have done my civic duty, I have participated in my government, have helped determine the course of my nation." Umm...yeah, can you afford fries with that? Even if you really believe that your "vote" is actually counted, even if you completely disregard the Electoral College, which actually elects presidents (sometimes), even if you likewise disregard the Supreme Court, which also elects presidents...the person you voted for is actually president! What are the chances he's gonna do what you want him to do? How many hundreds of millions can you pay donate? I once stayed in a motel, while I was on the road as a truck driver. The room was stifling hot and I turned the thermostat way down to about 60. After a half hour or so I was not noticing any change, so I called room service, thinking the thing may be broken. Turns out the thermostat in my room - and all the other rooms - was only a decorative item which had no actual function. It wasn't connected to anything. "You mean I can't control the temperature in my own room!?" I asked. "No sir, we do that from here", was the reply.
I only found that one once, but I found it. It happens all the time in big office buildings. You might be very surprised if you actually started paying attention to the little things you think you have all under control. Maybe some of the big things too?
I wonder why it is that some on the left put the notion of abolishing the Fed in the same category as flouride in your water and Area 51....especially since there probably IS flouride in your water and there really is an Area 51? Ron Paul and maybe a few others actually in Congress, have proposed abolishing the Fed and returning to "the gold standard". The gold standard is pure bunk and would benefit no one except the very richest who own all the gold. However, the nation's government, in our case, Congress, should indeed be the body solely responsible for creating, printing and issuing currency for the use of the citizens.
Think about it... why should we citizens be instantly saddled with "a national debt" because we have borrowed money from a totally private enterprise - the Federal Reserve - which has nothing whatever to do with the government, except to make money from it, when we could just as easily, as a nation, via Congress, print and issue our own currency at zero interest and thus avoid this completely artificial "debt"?
It didn't used to be that way. Many of the Founding Fathers warned and fought against the money supply being handed over to private bankers to be used as their personal "cash cow". It didn't happen this last time until the Federal reserve Act of 1913.
Will it change? No. Even if you would like it to change...even if you vote for members of Congress and a President who promise change? No...remember, YOU don't control diddly about government, when it comes to anything that really matters. Judging by videos made at the time, millions of Soviets thought they were Communists in a Communist system under Stalin too. Silly humans, freedom is for rulers. "How fortunate for leaders that men do not think". -Adolph Hitler.
Ima retire now to watch the rather atheistic Who Mourns for Adonais?
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