Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Big Picture (Part 1)

So...many Americans sit in front of their computers and/or TVs and see what's going on in the world and most never see much at all of what's going on in the world...we see a lot of the results, when it's far to late to change the course. Of course we were never invited into the wheel house in the first place. Much of what is going on is hidden; talked about and planned behind closed doors, much of it by organizations and people you never heard of. Apparently this state of affairs has now come (openly - HA!) right into the middle of the US Congress. Something called a Super Congress (find THAT in the Constitution), a "committee" within Congress which essentially does as it pleases, without open debate, without amendments to bills, and we find out about what it did, if at all, only AFTER we are in the bent over with trousers dropped position. "The power struggle trumps process entirely. The committee is designed for power, not for transparency and accountability." Source.

You and I go to our favorite news sources, some even scan several of the others, and we only get, at best, a very cloudy and diluted look at what's happening. This is mainly due to the fact that the media has long since stopped being a tool of the public with which we rein in governments and corporations; now most media are simply the propaganda arms of the various factions within governments and corporations; their purpose being to soothe and distract the masses. There are exceptions of course, there are times when accurate and truthful bits of information get out to the public. The trouble is that there is such sheer volume of stuff now that no human has the mental capacity to sift and sort through the teraflops of information in search of facts and truths. Right-wing outlets like Fox News, Newsmax, and the "fringe" outlets like Infowars, the left-wing outlets like MSNBC and Mother Jones and Huffington Post all endlessly shout at us and all the others to "WAKE UP SHEEPLE!"

We look around us and see the "financial crises" is not just an American's all over. The UK, Greece, Spain, now Italy "may default" on its debts; severe "austerity measures" (which only affect the poor and working people of course) are installed, there are street riots for a bit and then...ho hum. Ask Somalia, they have been without any government at all for 20 years or so and tens of thousands literally starve in the streets and still some say they would rather see their children die than accept aid from the West. You can't fix stupid. All of this can't possibly be about "our" debt ceiling or budget deficit, now can it? Maybe it's about us and them again, this time (again) about the haves vs. the have-nots. "As consumer spending and wages fall, the New York Times reported Thursday that sales of luxury goods to the wealthy are approaching pre-recession levels. The Times reported the sale of luxury goods—including $1,650 Crème de la Mer facial creams, $2,495 Louboutin suede boots, $11,950 Gucci coats and $200,000 Mercedes Benz sedans—increased 11.6 percent in July, the biggest monthly gain in more than a year." Source.

Have you ever read the entire US Constitution? How about the Project for the New American Century? The entire Bible? It has been shown many times over that a random asking of "people on the street" questions about the history of the country, of the world, of being able to identify current American leaders, always results in very few correct answers. Most people find such things excruciatingly boring, most are much more self-absorbed in their personal moment-to-moment affairs, and the trivial things of the day. For many who DO actually read things like the Bible and spend much time with it, the result is preachers who are actually atheists who feel trapped in the social condition, unable to be honest without losing virtually everything they have, including, many times, their entire family.

So, who was at the last G-20 or G-7 or whatever G meeting they had...what did they say? Are there really Illuminati groups working to day to control the world? Who attended the Bilderberg meeting this year and what did THEY talk about? Chances are the vast majority of whatever it was would have bored a grapefruit out of it's skull, but...we can't be really sure, can we? None of "we" were there..are EVER there. The truth is that, at best, a few of us may have glimpses into the people and processes that affect our lives, sporadically and through a glass darkly. Most never have the slightest clue who is running things or why or WHETHER anyone is running things. Most humans seem to shut down this part of the mind, perhaps as a survival technique, with some version of "turn it over to God", and never mind that if there were a God it would be responsible for vastly more human suffering and atrocities than any government could ever devise.


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