Saturday, July 9, 2011


It all started with a tick. He bit me on the arm back around the2nd or 3rd. Well, you know what they say, "Lie down with ticks, and you get up with sumpin'". That's happened several times, no biggie. THIS time he launched a stealth suicide attack. HE didn't last two minutes after he bit me, got flushed. Turned out that he was basically a personnel carrier, and unloaded bunches of other critters into me. They immediately launched a blitzkrieg attack, starting with the formation of a base of operations at the landing site. Turned that into a red mountain with a strange black hole in the middle that I could play Yellowstone Geyser with when I poured hydrogen peroxide into it. No doubt a diversionary tactic.

I wasn't all that worried about it because I was already on bactrim, an antibiotic doc had given me at last visit for a UTI. But after a couple days seeing the minions had decided that was a cool food source, I suspected harsher measures were needed. They were marching in red rows up my arm through the lymph nodes and across my chest. I started to think maybe the main mission was to get to me defibrillator and knock that out, thus taking me down and making me easier to eat.

Went back to doc. He said, "they are drug resistant", I said no kiddin', where do ya keep the Apache attack helicopters of meds? We laid off the bactrim in favor of amoxycillin. I don't know if they knew it or not, but I ain't exactly alone here. Their initial surprise attack set my guys back a bit but, as the general, I supplied my own minions with a whole new weapon. That set off full scale war. That, in turn, led me to discover surprising new territory I never knew I had cuz it never hurt before. Fever and chill and chills and fever. It's 300 freakin' degrees in here!, an hour later how the hell did I get to Antarctica? If I still had teeth they would have chattered.

Meanwhile, back at headquarters... I'm also in a whole different war none of the minions know anything about. Gone begging at some places which supposedly offer rent assistance. Spent a lot of time walking on sidewalks in town. Turns out, most don't. "No funding" is the standard reply. Understandable. Finally got to one place where, we had an appointment at 1pm. Sign on door said, be back at 1:30pm. We sat under an awning in 95 degree heat heat for over an hour. No one came to the door till well after 2pm. Woman there finally gives us form to take to the landlord and an appointment for the 18th. This, AFTER she harangues and belittles and ridicules for half an hour about WHY we need help with rent; ringing on her calculator on how if we didn't have Internet and a computer payment we have rent money. I almost didn't make it, almost walked out. We'll see if it results in any actual money.

Whole body broke out in red pimples, looks almost like measles. The sore from the bite has changed little. May end up going to surgeon to get the sucker cut out like coring an orange. Have only been hit and run a little on FB, can't focus attention very long. Haven't blogged at all. I hope to do it again soon, if I can ever get healed up from whatever this is and get the impotent hurt and rage tamped down some. I had a 40 ouncer a couple days ago. First beer I've had in years. I used to be a good boy. Not so much when I'm angry and hurting.


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