I was gonna just leave a status saying I had ingested Xitomatl Aztec name for plump thing with a navel and imbibed bovine udder fluid and trundle off to snorage. But. Wait...a lot of things are plump with a navel...there are navel oranges and heck, I’ve known plump girls with a navel...why, one I knew had a navel so deep...eh, um. ok. Honest, I didn’t ingest any girls...well, HUMAN girls anywho. Then they tell me that if you ask a botanist what a tomato is (that would be the Xitomatl - the tomato not the botanist), he will tell you it’s a fruit, a berry even; the ovary (along with its seeds) of a plant. But if you ask a chef what a tomato is he will tell you it’s a vegetable. The Supreme Court of the United States agreed with the chef in 1893...but then SCOTUS says corporations are people too, so...
Sure, I wanna try some buffalo milk (the second biggest source of milk for humans) but first I wanna watch someone milk a wild buffalo....soaked in Xitomatl juice. At full gallop. Through the SCOTUS chambers.
Conclusions: Never focus on only one thing...you can’t learn much that way. You (also) can’t roller skate in a buffalo herd, especially while milking one...oh, wrong song. Anywaze...all people lie, especially courts and corporations, so; eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow (figuratively) you WILL die (literally, dude)”. This last is a mergering of Ecclesiastes 8:15 and Isaiah 22:13, as corrected by Atheist Pastor Temy.
Or...I just wrote a blog a couple days ago, the entire contents of which, aside from the title, was incomprehensibility. Which Miles Cole immediately pronounced to be “Absolutely and without a doubt the most profound blog I've read thus far today.” D’oh! Well, ye takes yer jest and ignores the rest.
Au revoir
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