Saturday, September 3, 2011

Doc Visit

Went to my heart doc Thursday. Seeing the doc was very quick and easy, he was in and out in 5 minutes or so, changed nothing, will see me in 3 months. Before that, endured a lecture from a nurse about smoking and how the tar gets in your bloodstream and then stuff like cholesterol sticks to it and sugar sticks, so you have to stop smoking, watch your diet, lose some weight, and be very careful with controlling the diabetes. I nod and smile as probably expected. The woman said with her own mouth, "I eat like a bird, I have a shake in the morning and then a very small dinner and I'm still fat." She looked like a stick to me. So much for her medical advice. I'll live as I please until I fall over, thank you.

Then there was the question of Medicaid. Woman had called me yesterday to remind of appointment and wanted to know if I had Medicaid. I wasn't sure, I pay little attention to such stuff. I checked online and found that I have had Medicaid for at least a year, have the plastic card in my wallet (did you know you can find out what's in yer wallet online?), and now that I thought of it, I was sure I had presented that to the office at least once before. So, first thing when I go in I ask the lady if this is or is not a Medicaid card. She says it is, so I say, "How come that other lady keeps asking me if I have Medicaid?" Then I noticed at the very bottom of the paper in her hand...there is my Medicaid number! It's right there on their own paperwork and has been for probably a year.

We finally get that straight and understood, after my visit is over, and she assures me there is no problem, that all current charges are covered but about those older ones, from before I had Medicare and Medicaid...can I pay on those? Um...with what? I try really hard to not be rude to people and, as with the nurse, I smile and nod as she suggests if I can just drop by sometimes with as little as $5 it will keep it from GOING TO COLLECTIONS! As though I give a rat's ass if it goes to collections, they won't have any more luck getting money from me that I don't have than she will. But I smile and nod. Hell no, I ain't giving rich people $5. The plan was to throw a big birthday bash for Melinda...this month (7th) she turns the Big Five Oh! Checkers has $.79 hotdogs on Sunday, so we were gonna blow about $6 on hotdogs, drink and even a couple small milk shakes. I decided we were going to Chinese today instead. Still fed two people from all you can eat buffet and drinks for less than $13.

And speaking of 13...someone is ALWAYS doing that yanno. This particular reference is to a documentary video called Deborah 13: Servant of God. It was made in late 2008, aired on BBC in '09 and is still available online. Stay tuned for more in next note/blog.


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