Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Are We There Yet?

So, here's where we are... American citizens can go to prison simply for not paying a bill. But you can also be arrested when you DO pay your bill using legal American currency.

American citizens can be targeted for killing by the President of the United States.

"...in Barack Obama's America, the way guilt is determined for American citizens -- and a death penalty imposed -- is that the President, like the King he thinks he is, secretly decrees someone's guilt as a Terrorist." Source.

"That Obama was compiling a hit list of American citizens was first revealed in January of last year when The Washington Post's Dana Priest mentioned in passing at the end of along article that at least four American citizens had been approved for assassinations;..." Source.

There are "free speech zones" in America (what happened to the quaint notion of the whole country being a free speech zone?).

The police in America can arrest and jail you merely for using a camera in a public place, especially if you are taking pictures of them.

Example 1:

"Consider the case of Anthony Graber, a knucklehead from Baltimore who was speeding on his motorcycle on Interstate 95 in March, popping wheelies and doing other dumb and reckless things, according to an editorial in the USA Today. He's facing 16 years in prison but not for reckless driving. No, the horrendous felony Baltimore cops and prosecutors want to imprison Graber for is a video of his arrest made via a helmet camera and posted on YouTube." Source.

Example 2:

A good blog on thenecessity of filming police which includes four videos and the note that "In Britain there is a new law that restricts photographs/videos of police by the public."

Example 3: Even if you are mainstream media...

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has ruled that corporation ARE persons.
"The corporate rights movement has reached its extreme conclusion in today's Supreme Court ruling," says Jeffrey Clements, general counsel to www.freespeechforpeople.org and a consultant to Voter Action. "In recent years, corporations have misused the First Amendment to evade and invalidate democratically-enacted reforms, from elections to healthcare, from financial reform to climate change and environmental protection, and more. Today's ruling, reversing longstanding precedent which prohibits corporate expenditures in elections, now requires a constitutional amendment response to protect our democracy." Source.

Guantanomo Bay and other places, some even worse (and much less known), exist in which people can be held in prison for the rest of their lives without ever so much as being charged with anything, much less having a trial.

The popular media is all over a "story" about Representative Weiner sending a pic of his weiner, as though this had some relevance to national political policy, while mostly ignoring these other issues. A president was impeached (but not convicted) for getting a blowjob and lying out it. Why do these people not simply tell the public and the media "no comment" on sexual matters that do not involve criminal activity or matters of public policy?

But...there are REASONS why it's called the "popular media". Consider why it is popular. What might make it unpopular? The American electorate in general is a woefully misinformed and downright stupid herd...and damn proud of it! Evidence of the truth of this assertion is that both the political left and political right agree with it, lol.

Culture Wars:
A CNN poll asked about how much federal funding goes to NPR. The average estimate from citizens asked was that $178 billion went to NPR. The actual figure? "The CPB received about $420 million last year from the federal government, making it roughly one one-hundredth of one percent, of the overall budget. That means that the median response was about 424 times higher than the actual amount of federal funding that went to public broadcasting last year." Source. Wonder why they would think that?

The right says there should be no government funding for Planned Parenthood because they use it to kill babies. "Planned Parenthood performs abortions on a massive scale: 332,278 abortions in 2009, more than one-quarter of all abortions nationwide." Source. Planned Parenthood says they provide a broad range of health care services for everyone, with abortions being a small percentage of the services provided. Source. Who's right?

We have a GLOBAL monetary system that is designed to make completely certain there can never be any such thing as "economic equality", either within or among countries. In America, we have the Federal Reserve System, which is neither federal nor has any reserves. It is NOT any part of the government...uh, well what the public is TOLD is the government. It actually IS the real government because, as Mr. Rothschild said, "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws." Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild. Who cares? The point here is not that Rothchilds control all the money; rather, that WHOEVER controls the money controls all else (as in Allen Greenspan, former Fed Chairman and Ayn Rand devotee¢). It's the Golden Rule for the rich, ie, "He who has the gold makes the rules."

Forgive me fellers, if I can't work up a full head of steam about them alien amphibians, 'specially since you ain't proved such a critter exists...we seem to have a full load of fully human slimy critters to try to wiggle out from under.

Now to something important...will Facebook exist in five years? Ten?


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