I found long ago, to my astonishment, that many people cannot seem to function very well, some not at all, unless they have imposed upon them some structure and rules from outside themselves. Most people seem to believe that "self-discipline" is a desirable and admirable trait to have; they seem to mean by this, generally, that one does what one "should" regardless of whether they might like it or not. For me, this is simply a form of slavery...worse, self-IMPOSED slavery.
It seems bizarre to me that people want to have a meal or go to sleep, etc., because of what time the clock says. I eat when I want to eat. I sleep when I feel sleepy. Why should the world not be this way for all? One reason I love places like Walmart is that I can go and shop to my heart's content as easily at 2am as 2pm. I think ALL businesses should be this way. I think they all should be required by law to be this way. Why should I have to drag myself out of bed at 7am in order to be at a doctor's office at 8am? Why can I not find a doctor's office with someone on duty 24/7?
If the Bible is meant to be "the word of God" as per 2 Timothy 3:16-17, and if Jesus IS God, as per John 10:30, then why didn't Jesus sit down and write the whole works?
The notion of "making a living" is quite repulsive and insulting to me. I think all the basic necessities of life should simply be there, just as air is there. Since I lost my job several years ago, it was extremely nerve wracking for a while because I had no way of paying for a place to stay or food to eat or anything else I needed. When I finally got the government check started, then I was in a position where most of my basic needs were met but I was not required by law or circumstance to go any place or do anything. I realized this is how it should have been from the beginning...for everyone. Recently someone asked me if I would not like to have a job again. My blood pressure spiked, I felt fear, and I replied that I have a job, than you. It's called living my life.
We are programmed to think that "being lazy" is a "sin"; a quite negative trait. Why? No one except the dead or comatose do "nothing". Being "lazy" doesn't mean you don't "work". It only means you do what you want when you want for the reasons you want, as opposed to doing what, where and why based on someone else's wishes...usually much more for their benefit than yours. Everyone knows, at some level, that no successful society can exist without slavery. It is only now that some are beginning to see that we can and must create our own slaves to do "work" so that we may "live" instead.
I see people yelling that we need more "jobs" and it seems similar to me to a bunch of people yelling that we need to be beaten and whipped more. Oddly, the meme seems to be hardwired into humanity...well, most of us. The one that says you are not sufficient; that your desires are not relevant. This meme is the main thing that allows religions to exist. And corporations. Which are essentially the same thing in most cases. "You must be forgiven and redeemed because you are a vile lowly thing unworthy even of life." "You should grow up and 'make something of yourself', because, whatever you currently are, it is not sufficient." Sufficient for what and according to whom? "You must go here and fight and kill these people." Why? They have threatened your freedom. Really? Where is the evidence for that?
Some cars have collision avoidance technology and things like Onstar. Why do all vehicles not have this as standard equipment? It is because you are not worthy of such comfort and safety unless you are rich. We are programmed to "ooh" and "aahh" and nod approvingly when a car commercial comes on which announces this car gets "35mpg" or some such number. But the Tesla Roadster doesn't use a drop of gas, does 0 to 60 in 3.7 seconds, goes 245 miles on a charge, plugs into any outlet in the world...why don't all vehicles have similar specs? If the mass production techniques of GM and Ford were used, such cars could be made very cheaply, no? Why should you not have such a thing if you want one? You are not worthy, your society tells you. And you believe it...accept it.
Of course you cannot change the world yourself. Things are what they are. But can you not at least pass such messages as this on to every person you know? Can you believe that you are just as deserving of everything good in life as anyone else, just as you are, without having to do anything in particular to get it? What might your life be like if your only "job" were to live your life?
"Indeed, just as people are destined to die once and after that to be judged," Hebrews 9:27. Do you honestly believe that? Why? Inasmuch as we are animals, like all other animals, we are destined to die. The purpose for your existence is the same as the purpose for any other animal...to reproduce more of your kind. But why would think you would be "judged"? By whom or what and based on what? Suppose that you do not wish to die at all? Why should you not have that choice? In all the many millions of years there have been ants, not a single ant has ever decided to do something outside the parameters of his genetic programming. It is quite impossible. It is just as impossible for you to do anything that is outside YOUR genetic parameters. But your parameters are far broader than any ant's and it is within your parameters to alter the parameters...with the help of science.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5. "Trust in the written words of ancient humans who believed in all manner of gods because you are too stupid to understand yourself and the world around you." Do you believe this? Really? You don't find that at all patronizing or insulting? father, priest, pope, king, president... knows best. So...what is YOUR brain for?
"Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country". I call bullshit. I'm fine with doing good things for my country and my world...but I must agree what the good things are and it must be a reciprocal arrangement. "War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing." "God! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing." Well, neither is technically correct, but you get the idea. Would George Orwell be proud of all of us who understand that wanting to live our lives is childish, while being a well-disciplined and "responsible" slave is grown-up? Perhaps there have been a lot of "childish" pharaohs, emperors, kings, presidents, and CEOs.
There are many places to blog online. It always pisses me off to have to use a "template". I want every single thing about my blog to be totally customizable. Because it's MY blog. Nor do I wish to have to learn a "language" like CSS stylesheets or whatever. I learned HTML last century...that should be sufficient. I look forward to a time when keyboards and mice, etc., are as antique as the single town telephone. I think one should be able to think the web, instead of type or upload, etc. It will come eventually. We are taking small steps.
There exists somewhere, a liquid world with no solid rock or ice surface; perhaps water, perhaps some other liquid. And what if there lives in the depths of that liquid a species maybe analogous to our octopus. And what if that species has intelligence at or beyond human level. Is it a law of the universe that such intelligence MUST develop technology?
I am grateful I lived long enough to have...actually a FIRST childhood. The one I was in when I was four was full of lack and hunger and hard work. Enough already. Lemme just live. If I die lying in a hospital bed, I suspect some of my last thoughts might be..."aw, fuck!" Sadly, I will never make it to see my species get out of its infancy. Therefore I don't especially care if we ever do. No skin off my intestines. But never mind me...I'm only a self-absorbed child.
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