I recently came across this; A Reasonable Argument for God's Existence. I'm really and truly sorry if anyone finds it offensive, but this is about as stupid an article as I have read. I don't think it could get much more insane than this (unless you go on to include violence and murder, like cutting off your daughter's head in an 'honor killing'). Of course, I don't blame the good Rabbi, any more than I would blame any schizophrenic or other mentally disabled person. He can't help it. It's simply the way his brain is. It would be as stupid to castigate him for this as it would to scream at Christopher Reeve to "Get over it and get up!" (Yeah I know Christopher died already.) But we simply must, as a species, develop treatments for this kind of mental disorder (along with treatments that would allow people like Christopher to get up and walk again). To speak of "respect" for this kind of thinking is almost as insane as that kind of thinking. Should we all "respect" a feller who thinks he is George Washington, the Father of our Country, come back to check on our progress...because..... 'maybe he is'?
The thing is this; not all people can run a marathon...not all people have the ability to climb Mt. Everest...not all people have the mental and psychological capacity to grasp that belief in the supernatural is idiocy. That doesn't mean that marathons can't be run, Everest can't be climbed or the real world can't be understood. The truth is that relatively few people are qualified to operate a brain. You can't operate one until you understand the basics of how it works. You sure as hell can't understand one until you understand that it produces you and you can't exist without it (or at least some kind of brain)... or that it does all kinds of things and only informs you of it later, if at all. So... if it is socially acceptable (and obviously it is) to say, "Sorry, I can't go skiing now, I have a broken leg", it should be equally socially acceptable to say,"Sorry, I can't deal with mental concepts of that order right now.") Thinking that "I am the captain of my own ship, the master of my destiny", makes about as much sense as thinking, "A MAN never puts up curtains to make the room prettier".
You know how many corrections it takes to make a thing readable when you've had a touch o' the rum? Windows pop up that I've never seen before. Ha!
Anyway, on with the slaves. This is not to say a society can't function without them, but that it always functions much better with them. You need someone to do the brute work, the nasty shit that most people don't want to do, but is necessary, like digging in the ground, taking care of human waste, etc. Every society humans have ever made, as far back as ancient Sumeria, has had slaves. Naturally, life never was so hot for the individuals who were the slaves (but it wasn't necessarily horrific either), but it was much cooler for everyone else. We've always had other animals as slaves (horses, oxen, etc.) and usually some amount of humans as slaves for the stuff that other animals didn't have enough brains to do.
But... for a couple of centuries or so, we have figured out how to have slaves that are neither human nor other animal (even though the slavery of those still persists too). We have machinery. Most people probably don't think of "machines" as slaves. but that is precisely what they are. We have cars, trains, airplanes, elevators, and thousands of other pieces of 'machinery' that do all kinds of work for us that few, if any, humans could do at all. But, for the most part, all these 'artificial' slaves have had a common limitation...they need a human to 'operate' them. That time is coming to a close.
We are rapidly becoming able to make slaves (machines) that DO have the brains to do work, that previously, only other humans could do. The entire purpose of having slaves is so that the masters (that would be us) can live much better without working so hard. There are humans, perhaps even most, who are so indoctrinated with dogmas of the past that they cannot see the beauty of 'machine' slaves. Those who actually take pride in 'working hard'. Without, apparently, even realizing it is another way of saying they take great pride in being a very good slave. This is not at all the same as taking pride in one's creative abilities...making art or writing poetry or creating architecture, etc. The difference is, in creating for its own sake, for the sake of expressing ones self, of giving to the society or culture, as opposed to doing things for the purposes of "making money" and enriching the already rich. I can think of nothing more institutionally immoral than the the idea that that there are 'rich people' and 'poor people'.
That the fundamentals of human life...food, water, housing, clothing, transportation, medical care, etc. should be subject to 'cost', in the monetary sense, is as insane to me as believing in supernatural things. It is only so because a small percentage of humans have successfully brainwashed the majority that this is necessary and right... that one must EARN one's 'living' "by the sweat of his brow" as it was expressed in ancient times (never mind that THEY do not do so, but 'earn' their living by the sweat of YOUR brow). How quaint, provincial, parochial...and downright primitive!
Our world is changing. We should learn to get away from the notions of 'we need jobs' and/or money. No. We do not. We need many things; energy, food, etc., and those things are abundant. Most people still think of energy as = fossil fuels. It does not. That big light you usually see in the sky every day...? That is a million times bigger than the entire earth and everything on it. It is absolutely and utterly impossible for there to be such a thing as an "energy crisis". Except that such things are manufactured and sold to you in the same way that ipads are. In 2002, the solar energy absorbed by the earth's atmosphere, oceans and land mass was approximately 3,850,000 exajoules... more energy in one hour than the human world used in a year. Source. Yeah, tell me again, how there is an 'energy crisis'.
The 'crisis' is in the the way most humans do a thing for the purpose of 'making money' and recreating the illusion of being 'in control' rather than for the benefit of humanity... an entirely artificial and man-made structure designed to exploit the labor of masses of humans for the benefit of a relative few... human slavery. For a few humans, 'making money' is very easy and the purpose is to enable them to play a vast game of 'monopoly' with the actual lives and social programs of real people. For the rest, it is an artificial barrier constructed between you and what should be the normal benefits and necessities of being a human, designed to further enhance the ability of the others to play their monopoly games... with you as simply a movable piece in the game.
The fact is that a great many, maybe most, of the 'jobs', that formerly existed, will never, ever come back. Many of the manufacturers have seen that one robotic unit can produce the same amount of salable goods as a dozen or a hundred humans, and it will never complain about working conditions, salary, sick days, etc. They have discovered the benefits of slavery...with slaves far more productive, compliant and efficient than any human or other animal. This will NOT stop... ever. It will increase exponentially. This is a very good thing. You need to understand that you do not need a job...or money. You need to be able to live your life (hopefully thousands of years of it, if you choose, [obviously at the peak of heath]). You need to depose or dispatch those who would make YOU a slave to their monopoly game. You need to embrace the real slavery of 'non-human' or 'non-organic' slaves for the purpose of allowing human life to be what it can be.... a wonderful existence in which your primary concern is to live your life to the fullest, to experience all that there is in life to experience, to learn, to grow, to develop, to explore the entire universe, rather than be confined to one tiny planet (how silly).
Are the (mis)adventures of Charlie Sheen and Moamar Gadaffi really sufficient for you? Would it not be grander to learn what other forms of life have acquired 'sentience' on other worlds? Ooohhh, there are plans for a 'million woman march' in Egypt...wonder if they will all be nekkid? HA! Now THERE's expression, lol...
UPDATE: Turns out only a few hundred showed up, none were nekkid, I don't recall even seeing anyone's hair...on their head even! *sigh* I think they gotta lot to learn about marching.
So...whaddaya think? More of the rum-soaked slatherings, or strictly sober "he said/she said" blogs? Is that a pickled skewed choice?
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