In trying to gain some understanding of the conservative mindset, I went looking for comments by them. The following is a comment I found here...
If you include every American who receives their living directly from the American Government (the People) you reach a staggering sum. If you include everyone (i.e. postal workers, politicians, dept. of transportation workers, military, and so on) currently approximately 35% of the American Population is being supported by the People....
When the Federal Government (the People) can no longer support the permanent welfare class and the vast multitude of government employees, these people who received their livelihood from the People will riot. So basically, 35% of the American population (108 million people) will riot against their supporters, the 65% (201 million people). The catalyst for next American Revolution will be the 65% collectively uniting to put-down the rebellion of the 35%.
This person considers that all government employees...teachers, postal workers, firefighters, police, et al, are "welfare cases" because their pay comes from the government.
Bill "Hardcase" Gillen on Friendburst says that he asked for a raise and he got it because he works hard and does a good job...he doesn't need any "union thugs" to speak for him.
There seems to be a growing number of people now who think there will be, and look forward to, a war between the "socialist libtards" and "regular people". Not a culture war, not a rhetorical war, not a political war... a war in which bullets rip through flesh and bone and dying people are screaming.
Bring it.
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