Saturday, January 22, 2011

Personal Update

So here's what's happened at the ranch lately...

A couple weeks back when we had the big ice storm here (in Georgia more ice than will fit in yer iced tea is a big ice storm), we went to Kroger. Weird...there were only three dozen eggs in the whole store, and they were the "organic" ones which cost over $3 a dozen. Trucks couldn't get through Atlanta for deliveries. The whole northeast, Chicago, even Nashville, not a problem, but Atlanta was a demolition derby. *sigh* But it was an interesting tiny taste of what things might look like if there were a real emergency, with NOTHING on the shelves.

Computer died yet again. He's in the lobby (at the store) and won't even be shipped out for another resurrection till Wednesday. I suspect the same problem as before. Again, I had a great three part blog on there that was not yet posted cuz I was waiting to spring it one each day for three days. Rewrite, anyone? This is a different loaner computer. Used to belong to Mrs. Nese. I know that cuz her family picture is the desktop background and I know all about every online account Mrs. Nese has, with passwords, etc. Have managed to delete most of that off this hard drive. Just got a good morning IM from one of her friends and I replied, then realized it was showing that Mrs. Nese was replying even though I am logged into Yahoo under my own account. Heh.

For about 3 or 4 days (and nights) we had a curiosity. Tucker and I were sleeping soundly on the couch and some loud thumping noises woke us up. My first thought was it sounded like some doofus was walking on the wood floor of our front porch with big boots on. But it's three in the morning. Maybe some drunk has wandered up. The noises keep going. I get my weapon in hand, Tucker on his chain and open the door. The infantry Tucker charges out, and the artillery right behind... nothing.

Having no apparent target, I retreat into the Fort dragging Tucker with me. The noises seem to have gone away. Then I was thinking... 'possum? armadillo? Got back to sleep and forgot about it till the next day. Was sitting in the recliner and suddenly feel and hear a bump directly under my chair from under the floor. Vibrated me butt. In bright sunlight I get flashlight to investigate. One end of trailer is high enough to crouch and walk under, the other end is literally ON the ground with no more than six to eight inches between the floor and the ground. I go under the floor at the deep end, checking the whole area for anything unusual. No signs at all of any animals, no fur, no tracks...I shine the light all the way to the low end and there is no sign of anything there either. No movement, no noise, no bright eyes staring back.

There is a small hole in the underpinning at the low end. I look in there. Nothing. I shine the light between the cracks of the floor boards on the porch. Nothing. Still, sometimes the incessant bumping noises. After about the third day I'm beginning to consider calling animal control to see if they will come out and do a thorough search under there and, failing that, trying to find a number for ghostbusters. Then the noises go away as mysteriously as they started. It would appear, if it was an animal, it either left or died. If it was a ghost, perhaps it moved on to someone more likely to be readers of the National Enquirer.

Well, crap! He's ba-a-a-a-c-ck. Again with the knock booming. Just have to turn up the TV more I guess. You get used to it...just add an audio component to the annoyances of bugs in yer coffee and rats that manhandle their way out of traps. *sigh*

Things you should not get confused...especially when invited out by your Japanese friends.... bukaki and kabuki.

Some possibility Melinda may get a call from Walmart on Monday...possibly get hired. A friend who is an employee says he talked her up good to his boss. Would be very nice. At least they have good insurance and maybe she could get to a doc soon. I guess that's it for now...gotta blog about my friend Wesman Todd Shaw's blog. I been neglecting him (cuz I don't get on with Hubpages) and that boy getting awfully close to running off the road...(wink).

Dang, only the 22nd and only one roll of terlet paper left. Oh well, mail man always brings junk mail. Oh yeah, according to an email from Peter Joseph, the latest Zeitgeist movie should be viewable online on the 25th. It's a shake and bake night, so gotta get shakin'... se y'all.



  1. Temy, you're a trip! You always make me laugh about something.

    Instead of keeping your blogs on your accident prone computer, why not use WordPress. You can keep blogs on there in draft, and set a date for them to actually post (some time in the future). You can always copy them to your hard drive when you're done.

  2. Temy, if you pay shipping and parts, I'll fix your computer at no charge (and I have a lot of cheap, used parts). You seem to have the worst luck with computers. I don't like seeing them interfere with your blogging, so I thought I'd offer to help.

  3. Thanks, Butterfly, for commenting.
    Thanks, Rose. Hadn't thought of that. Maybe I could get used to using that for a platform for writing instead of my beloved word processor program.
    Thanks, Hugh. Much appreciate the offer and I may be able to take you up sometime. Right now, my 'puter is still under warranty and they fix it free. I'm using this loaner till I get mine back.
