Saturday, November 27, 2010

Just Stuff

Remember the old spiritual song Swing Low, Sweet Chariot? What's swinging low in modern times seems to be the buckets for scooping up all the wealth from those who have the least in order to cushion the lives of the rich. There's this trend, you see, globally, to apply reverse Robin Hood ethics. Now it's Ireland which is applying "austerity measures", but not to worry, this doesn't apply to corporations, only the rabble... people who want things like minimum wages, health care, etc. Ireland corporate tax rate.

Speaking of health care, didja see what Arizona's new plan about that is? Seems to be basically, "if they get sick, fuggum, let 'em die". Jan Brewer says the state has to save money...naturally it's all Obama's fault. Keith Olberman tells you about Jan Brewer's real "death panels". Tex Shelters has a good letter to Jan.

It is true that some people, formerly rich, less so, for being just plain stupid. Here's a classic example... an Aston Martin... really? I had to look up the story again just to spell that right. But between now and May, millions more Americans will run out of unemployment benefits, through no fault of their own, unless Congress passes another extension. Will that happen? How many extensions can there be? How many Americans have to be below the poverty line and destitute before something Really Big happens? Too bad Wall Street bankers don't jump out windows any more.

Some take it as good sign that former House Majority Leader Tom Delay was found guilty of money laundering, etc. It's off to San Quentin for him! Riiiight. Wait for the sentencing. Sentencing? Well, at least he was convicted...but that was only for money crimes. Genocidal mass murder? No biggie. Some make a lot of the fact that Dubya continues his lies about Iraq in his new book, and even the Mayor of London insinuates that Dubya might get arrested if he comes there. There have been calls for the arrest of Bush/Cheney at least since 2003. Heh...amazing how they never seem to get that such things happen only in the fantasies of folk who have a moral sense.

It ain't just Dubya though. You should read about Obama's Wars. As far as these wars are concerned it is truly irrelevant who is in the White House. Whoever that person is, they MUST follow the plan...or they will be removed. Now it's Obama...before him, Dubya, before him, Clinton, before him, the elder Bush. Same repertoire, different players.


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