I wondered if some computers here insert bits of information in one’s ‘stream of thought’ to further the stream. Yet computers here seem annoyingly primitive, as do many other things I find here. The computer I’m using now has such a tiny processing and storage capacity...I cannot use it at all except with manual input devices. But I suppose it is better than the time of Shakespeare who apparently was restricted paper, ink and the feather of a bird (shudder).
I have begun to question whether anything I have ever known in my life is truth or fiction. I cannot even specify a reliable ‘earthdate’ at this point because the date depends on which system one uses: Is this the year of the rat, of the dragon, of the monkey, etc. But those are parts of a much larger system. In what is called “the West” here, there was the Julian calendar, superceded by the Gregorian, which I am now supposed to use and which seems to be the standard for this planet at this time, though several other calendars exist and are used in various places. This Gregorian seems to be based on some amalgam of much older pagan deities, a “Christian” deity, and some degree of local astronomy, based on this planet’s moon and star, known as 'Sol’ or 'the Sun’. The current earth year is said to be 2013, but this is based completely on the supposed birth of the central character in the currently dominate religion here known as Christianity, and has nothing whatever to do with the actual age of the planet, though many here do know the age of the planet with a good degree of certainty.
It is often difficult or impossible to determine correct information on some things. I thought I had found a reference work on stardates but, as with many things here, it was not as I thought. This one seems to have reasonably accurate astronomical information, at least as viewed from this point, but I see nothing about the stardate system. The place with the most information about that is inconsistent with other claimed information, and also claims the entire enterprise is a fiction. It is called Memory Alpha which would suggest that it was written by someone at a later time than the time period mentioned. Can one have “memories” of the future or of things that never existed but in fiction or dreams? Am I somehow stuck in a holodeck program which I do not remember entering? Even here, claims of both fiction and fact.
Even my own name has become suspect. As unusual as it is the only references to Temy I find that do not refer to me seem to refer to females, often Asian; a rather disconcerting claim. Perhaps all of life for everyone everywhere in all times is only an illusion. I am tired now so I will try to rest.